Saturday, June 22, 2019

The desperate genius of political correctness and cultural Marxism

Not that long ago it was accepted that people naturally prefer their own kin, ethnic group, and culture, but then the political correctness of cultural Marxism was brainwashed into the population, so that the old fairy tale “the emperor's new clothes" or the saying “the elephant in the room” now apply to the politically incorrect guy who says at a party, “but I prefer to hang out with my own ethnic group.”

This brainwashing in political correctness and cultural Marxism was what Nietzsche called a “trans-valuation of values,” implying that only a desperate or even genius people could pull it off. And it has been brilliantly pulled off in the U. S. and the Western world. The naked emperor is called clothed and the elephant in the room is not seen.  Now merely saying you prefer to be with your own ethnic group is called “hate,” and in some countries is even against the law!

Astoundingly, the desperate genius of political correctness and cultural Marxism has denied real human nature, which remains as it has always been, kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

To love your own kin, ethnic group, and culture, does not have to mean that you hate other ethnic groups. The realistic way to to find order in our crowded world of different kin, ethnic groups, and cultures, is not with the farce of “multiculturalism,” which jams everyone together in the same living space and demands that they all get along, when this arrangement naturally causes competitive civil disruption, and eventually civil war. The realistic way to find order in our crowded world of different kin, ethnic groups, and cultures, is to develop ethnostates, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which is the best political configuration for humans beings to live within, given human nature.

It may require a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the states to move toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and it will not be easy at all, but it is far preferable to the destructive farce of political correctness, cultural Marxism, and multiculturalism.

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