Thursday, June 27, 2019

Panderers and cuckolds for President 6/27/2019

It was embarrassing for our country to watch the panderers and cuckolds at the Democratic debate for president last night. No subtly at all there. It was like vote buying, I almost expected the fools to start throwing twenty dollar bills at the audience. There is law against vote buying (42 USCS § 1973i(c)---maybe it needs to be expanded.

Symbolic of the Democrats is Beto O'Rourke, who in the Texas of old would have been banished to the edge of town as a silly fool for being a traitor to his own people. But like most Democrats of his age goofy “Beto” (a common Spanish nickname of course) is an overly enthusiastic panderer and cuckold for any race, ethnic group, culture, or country other than his own.

Elizabeth Warren is just a better educated version of O'Rourke, if being a socialist can be called being better educated---she is just a more polished panderer and cuckold. Joe Biden is an unctuous idiot. President Trump should be able to beat these people fairly easily, if he himself can keep from pandering to those who want him to go to war with Iran, or those who don't want him to put tariffs on their virtually traitorous global importing businesses.

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