Sunday, June 09, 2019

Why we need to work within the system to transform it

When I think how rapidly the left “marched thorough the institutions,” as Gramsci called it, from the 1960's to today, transforming America and the West from a generally traditional conservative culture to a hedonistic, abortion-loving, drug-taking, sex changing, white-hating, leftist culture, in a very short time, it gives me hope that a countermarch thorough the institutions can take place.

Then comes the sobering realization that the very fast moving leftist march to destroy traditional conservative culture had the media, the schools, and politicians, and even the church on their side, and of course big business could care less about anything but making money. Damn! The paleoconservatives have nothing like that kind of support, and the deeply-conservative movement toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which I support, has far less approval.

And it's stunning to realize that the left “marched thorough the institutions” pushing a social philosophy that has virtually no connection to real human nature, which remains as it has always been, kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

That should give us hope. But the radicals don't think so, they look at the support the left had/has and they say forget it, how can we work within that overwhelmingly dominant system? I know the feeling, I used to think that way too. But the left asked the same question back before they launched their cultural destruction, and most of them worked within the system---the radicals were arrested or killed.

So we need to work within the system to transform it. I believe ethnostates are the best political configuration for humans beings to live within, given real human nature. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established, legally, in the United States by way of our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by federalism. It may require a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the states, and it will not be easy at all, but it is far preferable to radical Marxism or Fascism, or the degenerate political left we have today, which has brought us civil disruptions, even civil war, and a hedonistic, abortion-loving, drug-taking, sex changing, white-hating, leftist culture, within unworkable multicultural (multi-ethnic) societies.

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