Sunday, December 02, 2018

What to do about racial discrimination

The great difficulty of figuring out what to do about racial discrimination is that it does take place but it does so as a result of human nature actually being kin and ethnic-centered, and becoming so genetically because ethnocentrism was the most successful way for individuals within groups to survive and reproduce successfully in a very difficult and competitive world. That same human nature is still solidly with us in our gene pools today, and so we have racial discrimination, although it has become politically incorrect to mention it.

Ironically ethnocentrism was at the origin of the altruism (being for others) promoted in religion and social philosophies, but that altruism was hypertrophied into a universalism that is not in harmony with its genetic kin and ethnic-centered origin, therefore the attempts to stop all racial discrimination have not been successful.

It was the outcast historian Wilmot Robertson who made the succinct suggestion that it was time to try to turn the socially destructive forces of racial discrimination into socially constructive forces, by forming ourselves into ethnostates.  That is the realistic way to look at it: as solving the socially destructive problem of racial discrimination, given that human nature remains kin and ethnic-centered.

Look to who benefits most from promoting an unworkable universalism which jam-packs distinctly different people together in the same space and demands universal equality from them, which does not take place and ends up causing social disruptions, while blocking a natural ethnopluralism of ethnostates from forming.

For the sake of social harmony, let's have some courage and finally admit this reality.

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