Saturday, December 22, 2018

Plot/determinism, character/free will, and the primary force of life

If we compare free will and genetic determinism to the way Aristotle thought of the subordination of character to plot in tragedies, the extreme free will/character folks tend to block the determinist/plot folks, and the determinist/plot folks tend to block the free will/character folks. We don't want to see plot destroy character or character destroy plot or we end up with a drama that doesn't congeal.

The challenge is to define which is primary and which is secondary when, as E. O. Wilson said, there is a co-evolution.

Since genetic determinism/plot is the final arbiter, which keeps human nature on a biological leash, I say determinism/plot is primary and free will/character is secondary. We cannot block either out no matter how intellectually clever we are.

Even so, I think Nietzsche chose a secondary force when he made the will to power the primary force of his later philosophy. Darwin was closer in making survival and reproduction his primary force.

I think the material activation within material life (Tirips) that seeks the zenith of success in survival and reproduction, which defines Godhood, is the deeper primary force activating those other forces that seek power and survival for the primary ultimate purpose of attaining Godhood, while working along with outside natural selection and evolution.

The pleasures of eating and sex are not end-goals but means to survival and reproductive success, and survival and reproductive success is not the end-goal but the means to the primary goal of evolving toward the zenith of those drives, which is Godhood.

This definition can exhume and transform religion as primary, while certainly including science. It gives a goal to Nietzsche's relativistic power drive, and creates values for value-free science.

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