Wednesday, December 05, 2018

How very rare real Godhood is, or will be

We have had at least five mass extinctions on earth where we lost almost all life on earth (eg. 85-90 percent), and many smaller extinctions, perhaps usually having to do with great climate change or disasters.  It would seem that given this pattern there will be more extinctions to come. Add to that the possibility of life destroying itself with war, greed, or  whatever.  As some have suggested, if we assume life on other planets would have gone through similar extinctions and destructions, that could help explain why we seem to have not been contacted, at least openly, by extraterrestrial intelligent life. Few if any species would have evolved far enough to escape from their own planetary extinctions or would have had time to evolve space travel.

So we see how difficult it will be to advance the deepest promise of life evolving to Godhood, and how very rare real Godhood is, or will be. But life will always try for it as the zenith of the success of life, because that activation defines what life is in its essence.

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