Monday, December 31, 2018

Until all the fields place culture on a biological basis we will be lost

For centuries humans have been rushing to claim that we are beyond the animals, even in effect denying that we are animals, and they have overlooked or ignored the biological origin of social behavior.

Especially since World War Two where one side pushed a selfish version of the biological origin of social behavior we have been dominated by resentment and revenge against the idea. The Gentleman Culture of Europe which could show benevolence and goodwill toward past enemies---influenced by the warrior ethos---has been nowhere to be seen among the cads of politically correctness and cultural Marxism who driven by resentment and revenge now rule our culture.

The subject is blocked mainly because it reveals the hidden motive of the biological will to power activating those who block the subject. Nietzsche was one of first to have the courage to suggest that psychology needs to be biologized, anticipating sociobiology and evolutionary psychology.

Until all the fields place culture on a biological basis, from religion and philosophy to science and art, we will be lost in the over-complication or oversimplification that leads to motley alienation and the decay of modern men and women.

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