Monday, December 17, 2018

Defining the real return to nature and culture

Rousseau's virtue-signaling led to a call for "the return to nature," but his noble, egalitarian, proto-communist savage did not return to real nature or real human nature which remains kin-centered, gender defined, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

But before religion and science become too smug about Rousseau's utopian virtue-signaling, religion makes the error of not affirming the deeper dynamics of material evolution and science makes the error or rejecting an inherent goal/direction in material evolution.

In addition to the standard natural selection and evolution of material life, which science says is entirely random and religion usually does not even acknowledge, exists the force within every cell of the body that activates or strives for the greatest possible success in survival and reproduction, which ultimately leads to and defines Godhood.

This sacred activation then also activates the evolution of life from the simple to the complex and from unconsciousness to consciousness, and eventually to super-consciousness, working with the standard natural selection and evolution of material life.

That is the leap---and not merely a leap of faith---which leads to a great synthesis of religion and science, and includes every other field. The material/supermaterial evolution to Godhood is the long-term perfecting of nature and human culture.

Politics, art, etc, can protect and affirm the variety of evolving groups, for example, by developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and religiously and scientifically researching the evolution toward Godhood.

That defines the real return to nature and culture.

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