Wednesday, December 26, 2018

How the body is ultimately wiser than the mind

There are those who say that the mind and thoughts rule and those who say the body rules. Important as the mind is, the mind is part of the body and so the biology and genetics of of body rule the mind.

All the cells of the body seek to successfully survive and reproduce and that primal motivation activates and influences the mind, even as the mind deals with surviving in the minute to minute environment it finds itself living in.

The body uses the mind as an aid in its survival, reproduction, evolution, and cultural creations. This doesn't diminish the mind it just doesn't overestimate the mind or underestimate the body.

And this doesn't "limit" the mind to the body when it is understood that the zenith of the success of the body is to materially evolve to Godhood. The body is therefore ultimately wiser than the mind.

But wisest of all is the combined force within the body activating the body (Tirips) to materially evolve to the ultimate success of Godhood, while working with natural selection and evolution in whatever outside environment the body is living in.

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