Saturday, September 29, 2018

Why the "advise and consent" mission of the Congressional hearings on Judge Kavanaugh have become a "search and destroy" mission

The politically incorrect saying that "as the people change the culture changes" helps explain why the "advise and consent" mission of the Congressional hearings on Judge Kavanaugh have become a "search and destroy" mission. The biological or genetic origin of most of our social behavior is a taboo subject.

Although it is virtually illegal to say it, Northern Europeans founded America and its cultural and legal traditions, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (who leads the search and destroy mission of the Kavanaugh hearings) as well as Cory Booker and Kamala Harris come from Jewish and Black traditions which are distinctively different traditions from the Northern European traditions. There is also the standard politics of resentment that minorities always feel toward majorities. And of course there are the usual benighted white liberals also on the panel who have bought into the politics of minority resentment.

Get used to it, there are many Hispanics rising and arriving, as well as Islamic Somalis and other minority ethnic groups, who will continue to change American culture away from its Northern European character, tone and guiding beliefs. Ben Franklin said, more or less, that America could be America only as long as we could keep it, and we haven't kept it.

Is there a way out of the tragic national mistake of cultural Marxism that has been foisted on America, which is tearing us apart and bringing us closer to racial/ethnic civil war? The flat reality is that as the people change the culture changes. Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against human nature, with such experiments as Marxism, but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect kin-centered and ethnocentric human nature.

As a realist this tells me that an ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the best political configuration for us to live within. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, with a protecting federalism. I think that is where we are headed, one way or another; but I believe that the legal and nonviolent way is the way it needs to be developed.

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