Sunday, September 02, 2018

I don't believe Western people will fade away

As a typical Western conservative sits and listen to, say, Mozart, I know their mind occasionally strays from the sublime music and they can't help thinking that high Western culture is fading. It's a depressing feeling to have.

But the hard reality is that conservatives (and liberals) are going to have to embrace or at least affirm the biological origin of our social behavior if they are ever going to save Western high or even low culture---Nashville music is fading almost as much as the Boston symphony.

The hard reality is that conserving Western culture means conserving Western people, and Western people seem too depressed to breed or maintain their cultures anymore, as we see reported almost daily, and gleefully, in the demographic statistics of the Big Corrupt Media.

The hard reality is as the people change the culture changes. Western people now see and hear only loud and angry post-modern culture created by loud and angry people who usually do not share their same genetic or cultural traits.

Distinctly different people don't melt together no matter what ideology or religion is preached to them, they compete.

Human nature hasn't changed, we are still kin-centered, gender defined, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Western man doesn't easily anger and non-Western people better hope that the calm continues because primitive imperialism and supremacy rises as anger rises.

The only realistic and equitable way I see of conserving not only Western people and their cultures but also non-Western people and their cultures is to develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates from out of our crowded democratic republics or whatever political isms people are now living under. It could even be established legally in the United States by adapting our constitutional separation of powers and states.

I don't believe Western people will fade away.

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