Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Representative democracy in America is not working, is there a solution?

As I watch the Kavanaugh supreme court nomination circus I can't help thinking that representative democracy in America is not working. When we ask why representative democracy in America has become corrupted the best and most honest answer I can find is that distinctively different people or ethnic groups bring distinctively different behavior which brings distinctively different political methods and distinctively different cultures and ethics. We now have different ethnic groups with distinctively different biological and social agendas, and all of them are naturally competing with different methods of competing, and it is mainly that which has naturally corrupted representative democracy in America.

If we are honest we can see that a white Anglo Saxon protestant is going to have different methods of living and competing even than an Irishmen living next door, yet alone a Jewish or African or Hispanic American, based on the biological or genetic origin of most of our social behavior. As the demographics of the country changes the culture changes or gets corrupted from its original form. Money and lobbies enter Washington and politicians are corrupted to the point where they don't represent the people who elected them.

Can representative democracy in America be saved? As a conservative I hope so because I don't believe in radical revolutions. The only way I can think of to salvage America and representative democracy in America is to first admit that multiculturalism has not worked, different ethnic groups have for the most part not "melted," they have naturally and vigorously competed, which has led to the present corruption of representative democracy in America.

But this does not have to lead to radical revolution; if we are courageously honest it shows us that, given real human nature, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the best political configuration for distinctively different ethic groups to live within and to tolerably get along. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United States with our existing constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from marauding empires by a protective form of federalism.  It may require a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the states to move toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

The political dissimulations we now live under, such as cultural Marxism, based on flawed definitions of human nature, have brought us civil disruptions, or even civil war, and the great frustrations could descend into various forms of fascism on the right or the left, which is what usually happens when nations fall apart as we are falling apart.

Given reality I see no better conservative solution.  Do you?

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