Sunday, September 16, 2018

The present trend of hypertrophied feminism will only prevail as long as America and the West don't need territorial defending

I don't define the loudmouth leftist Joe Biden as a "bully" when he says he would like to take President Trump outside and beat him up because he says Trump is a "bully." Neither one of them are "bullies," they are just assertive and aggressive males, and Biden is hypocritically promoting himself by signaling the exaggerations of modern day feminism.

I wish women well and want them to be the very best they can be, but like the Marxists, the feminists have ignored the biological origin our social behavior and explain social and gender differences as entirely environmentally caused; that makes me lose respect for Marxists, feminists or whoever believes it, including Biden.  And our past president Obama always struck me as demagogically appealing to the matriarchy he was raised in---remember his wimpy and inept exercise video? Good lord. 

Our mostly black professional football gladiators seem to be the only males allowed to be assertive and aggressive without being called "bullies."  I suppose that's due to  Affirmative Action programs for minorities, who soon won't be minorities largely do to the Marxists and feminists.

Anyway, "men and women have different body structures, sexual systems and biological responses and processes "(, and only fools and demagogues deny it. The present trend of hypertrophied feminism will only prevail as long as America and the West don't need territorial defending. When we do, our excellent Special Forces will not be nearly enough in number to defend the West against assertive and aggressive males who hate the West. The assertive and aggressive Islamic Afghans are still going strong and remain undefeated even by the superpowers---and they aren't much bemused by feminism.

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