Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Nike and the undeclared racial/civil war

Nike Inc. has take the side of Colin Kaepernick in the undeclared racial/civil war now taking place in the U.S. and the West. Kaepernick, the black athlete who won't stand for the U. S. flag because he says the country oppresses black people and people of color, has been given a multi-million dollar Nike deal with his own line of shoes, shirts, jerseys, etc.

Nike clearly demonstrates the big problem the West has with global corporations who have no loyalty to borders. Money is their only country and patriotism is meant only for the leadership of the corporation. This is why the U.S. needs to reign in globalism with economic nationalism, which President Trump and Pat Buchanan him have been pointing toward.

We will see where this undeclared racial/civil war takes us. The U.S. probably won't look the same in the future. Given real human nature, which remains kin-centered and ethnocentric, one hopes an ethnopluralism of ethnostates will eventually legally develop, adapted from the constitutional separation of powers and states.  Then peace and harmony will have a better chance for us all.

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