Thursday, September 20, 2018

Real cultural altruism is not produced by libertarian individualism or by universalist Marxism but by an ethnopluralism of ethnostates

Altruism, unselfish concern for others, originated and remains working in human nature as bonding best with those who share the same genetic pool as oneself, that way altruism helps advance one own related genes, so it's not quite an unselfish as we think it is.

It is through the group, that is, the ethnic/racial group (leftist boo) that the individual acquires the reality of real social bonding after the alienation of both libertarian individualism and collectivist/universalist Marxism.

We move beyond the reality of standard human nature and altruism when we move beyond the natural altruism of the ethnic/racial group. We did evolve the abnormal ability to occasionally move beyond  natural ethnic altruism for times when we might need to, say, bond with earth allies who are not closely related to protect ourselves from unearthly extraterrestrial invaders, but that is abnormal hyper-altruism not evolved for normal living in natural human conditions.

Healthy human culture needs to rescue us from the alienation of our bogus culturally Marxist societies as well as from libertarian hyper-individualism, by declaring that ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all (rightist boo) are not "evil" but are liberating.

This is the tradition that conservatives as well as liberals need to return to if they really want people to show "unselfish' concern for others. The bogus cultural Marxism we live under has alienated us, tore us apart, and increasingly caused civil unrest and eventually civil war between naturally competing groups.

As is said here often an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could even be established legally in the United States by adapting our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from each other, or from marauding imperial forces, by a lighter form of mainly protective federalism.

I do believe we will eventually get-up-and-go to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates voluntarily and rationally (which I advocate) or unvoluntarily and violently (which I don't advocate) because it is a return to what we actually are as human beings.

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