Sunday, September 30, 2018

How universalism loses its utopianism in universal ethnostates

Liberals want a bottomless "universalism," but "universal ethnostates" are the most naturalistic and realistic way to define universalism.

Kin-centeredness is almost an individualistic kind of altruism or being-for-others, but one where the self can know itself even as it knows others. This idea is further extended in the sociobiological affirmation of the biological origin of social behavior, as written about in this genetically-derived social or group affirmation by sociobiologist E. O. Wilson: "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals," leading to success in survival and reproduction.

Ethnostatism stands at the furthest reach of effective altruism or being-or others without losing or alienating the self and kin. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates represents the realistic extent of naturalistic social or political universalism, where being-for-others need not alienate self and kin.

The universalism of liberalism expands beyond real altruism and moves back to the self in the form of individualistic and selfish global corporations or political Marxism, with no biological or genetic ties to real altruism, so they soon socially fall apart.

Science and reason have also often led to the withdrawal into individual reasoning, which tends to take the place of bonding with others. Religious asceticism does this too seeking individual enlightenment that tends to downplay materialism and biology, ironically even as it touts a grudging form of material universalism: "If you must marry I suppose that is better than burning in hell," St. Paul more or less said.

However, science and reason move back to a realistic form of being-for-others in the sociobiological affirmation of the biological origin of social behavior, seen in genetically-derived social or group affirmation. And religion moves back to real altruism and bonding when Godhood is understood as evolved to in the material, not spiritual, world. That is how universalism loses its utopianism in universal ethnostates.

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