Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How cultural Marxism and universalism destroy us

The statement that the state "absorbs but does not destroy the individual" (Eliot Jurist) is more realistically accomplished by the genetically related group, that is, the ethnic/racial group and the ethnostate, and not the universal multicultural state. Modern cultural Marxism and universalism casts off the individual from the group and unmoors the group from the individual.

There certainly can be healthy competition between individuals in a healthy ethnostate, but selection between groups is where selection finally takes place, as the famous quote by E. O Wilson says: "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals."

If the evolutionary science of sociobiology was positively taught in our schools and political science departments then cultural Marxism and leftist universalism would be seen for the flim flam con game that they are. Then next could come recognition for the political configuration of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in harmony with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature and the biological origin of most of our social behavior.

This simplifying and fair-minded intellectual and political path is now blocked by the cultural Marxism and universalism of the academic world and the Big Media, and even blocked by universalized religions that promote collectivism and universalism. This blockade up-anchors both the group and the individual while allowing the group promoting the flim flam con game of cultural Marxism and universalism to hypocritically prosper over the other weakened groups...Nasty, nefarious, but true.

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