Friday, September 07, 2018

What if Patrick Buchanan had been President?

When Patrick Buchanan was prevented from becoming president it seems to me that something hopeful and vital ended in America. Buchanan was born and bred to be president. He was and remains a rare combination of astute political intellectual with big courage and good character.

I can't decide if Buchanan would have been able to take on globalism as successfully as president Trump has done; maybe the brash seemingly amoral character of Trump, with the lies and the girlfriends, needed to be there to also have that high audacity to take on the world. But then Buchanan was wiser than Trump and just as tough and bold; for example, Buchanan didn't make friends with the Israeli lobby as Trump did.

Now we have a real big mess in Trump's Washington, half of which wouldn't be there if Buchanan had been President. But perhaps only someone with the big ego of Trump could stand up to the powerful onslaught against him.

One thing I do know, the United States is a great country and it needs to stand. But I believe the U.S. will eventually need to transform to harmonize and contain an ethnically/racially diverse and increasingly competing population. My hope is that we will one day legally transform the constitutional separation of powers and states into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions. Will we be wise and strong enough to do it? That is our survival question.

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