Tuesday, July 01, 2014

When the evolutionary perspective comes into its own

Social and cultural productions only seem entirely culturally derived, but social/cultural instincts are biologically grounded. The deeper evolutionary perspective tells us that human nature, affirmed throughout human history, is kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other innate things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection---and social and cultural productions are influenced by innate human nature because that has helped us survive and reproduce successfully over the long run.

Establishing these evolutionary truths has been difficult, they do not conform to the popular culturally Marxist and global Big Business perspective which prevails in modernist culture and in the media in general, which aids those who most benefit from cultural untruths.  They continue to demand that culture has little or nothing to do with biology, and that culture can go anywhere it pleases, we only have to be taught the culture properly (even force is sometimes used) to make it work.

This will slowly change, and when it does the ethnopluralism hypothesis will make more sense to people, assuming we can survive the globalist cultural lies. But when evolutionary enlightenment comes I hope mono-racialism will be seen as a parochial view and be replaced by the more cosmopolitan evolutionary perspective, which tells us that since all human groups innately prefer their own kind and their own cultures across the globe, we will survive best when we affirm a natural ethnopluralism in our political configurations, with ethnic regions and states protected by some sort of federalism. Protection, yes, war, no. Otherwise the world naturally gangs up on mono-racial imperialism, and no one wins---war is mainly dysgenic and slows our evolutionary progress, the best people, places, and things are often lost. 

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