Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ethnopluralism and the arguments between the nationalists and federalists

Arguments between the nationalists and federalists have been going on since the founding of America, with the nationalist's insisting on sovereignty residing in the central government which they say represents the overall people, and the federalist's saying sovereignty is within the individual states who have the right to nullify the Constitution and even secede from the federal union. I think it is clear that the federalist compact theory between the states, as pointed out by Chilton Williamson Jr. in the June 2014 “Chronicles”, was taken for granted from the time of the Founders to the war between the states, but this was gradually superseded by a “domestic imperialism” or unitary nationalism, in its “long march through the Constitution.”

My interest in this subject also comes from my interest in the sociobiological concept of group selection as the primary unit of selection, and also in seeing group selection as the basic creator of altruistic ethics within groups competing with other groups, where the most internally cohesive groups are more successful than those that are not. This behavior is grounded in basic human nature which remains kin-centered, gender defined, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This logically, practically, and naturally has always led to ethnic cultures within ethnic states, or ethnopluralism, and against centralizing imperialism---and ethnopluralism can harmonize with federalism and the compact theory.  It will be gradual, states will slowly take on more of the character of the ethnic cultures within various regions and states.

This can be accomplished avoiding radical revolution, bringing the old into the new, but common sense is needed on both sides of this argument, anarchism is not what we are after. We seem headed toward social conflicts and ethnic confrontations, which are even now naturally developing as we hopelessly try to homogenize different groups together in the same living space, which is contrary to basic human nature. There is a place for the central government in helping to regulate international trade, and establish an army to protect the nation against foreign incursions, and also to protect the independence of the states. Then, with a natural relative harmony and order established, we can all get on with the sacred mission of evolving toward Godhood on earth and out into the cosmos, in our own distinct ways, within our own states. 

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