Sunday, July 06, 2014

Hypertrophied primordial universals should not be worshiped

As Frank Wilczek envisions it in “The Lightness of Being,” matter is built from almost weightless units, pure energy, and that is the source of mass, space is a dynamic grid of energy creating and destroying particles spontaneously (does he mean randomly?), and Wilczek says this energy can help explain the feebleness of gravity---and he finally hopes for the unification of these forces---(without taking sides, is that pure energy “electric” in the way the electric universe folks describe it, and can they then come in from the cold of exile?)

This neat worldview, although mainly scientific, seems to point to that old preference for the universal over the particular which Plato, and other religious versions of metaphysics, were so fond of, elevating the completely abstract, or spiritual, over living particulars---which led to the misrepresentation of the “universal” with equality---which has caused so many social disruptions in human history.

Of course there are mathematical universals, and we may be able to understand a unification of primordial forces, but these primitive forces are not Godhood, and we don't worship them. We also don't worship the activating, not random, Spirit-Will-To-Godhood within the Primal Material, vital as it is, which is shaped by outside evolution and selection. These are primitive unevolved forces, whereas we do affirm the sacred zenith of material/supermaterial evolution, the highest evolved living, particular, objects in the cosmos---or Godhood---we do not worship the universal abstract definitions of these evolved living objects or their primitive beginnings.

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