Friday, July 25, 2014

Unblocking rational and humane eugenics

It remains politically incorrect to say it, but eugenics need not lead to slavery and a tyrannical ranking. Nietzsche, loving the ancient Greeks, helped perpetuate this attitude in saying that the prerequisites for a high degree of culture were a belief in slavery and the order of rank.

A rational and humane eugenics can better help in developing high culture, without slavery or a crude ordering of rank, when cooperative behavior regarding eugenics is made easier, that is, when the solid connections between genes, high intelligent and high achievement are better understood and accepted.

Then with eugenics the existing genetic lag between the high achieving gifted and the general population, which causes so much of our social unrest, can be relatively closed. But the lie of equality will remain a lie.

We have to get past the abuses of WWII, which are continuously kept alive in popular culture. It is not necessary to treat things that exist today with harshness and tyranny for the sake of the future. But we need to consider the future in regard to the strong connections between genes and culture.

Most importantly, I believe the sacred path to evolving to real Godhood, for all of us, is helped along by eugenics, among other things, and blocking eugenics means not only blocking the continued development of high culture but blocking our evolution to Godhood.

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