Thursday, July 24, 2014

The sacred progression

Marx certainly absorbed Hegel but how much of Darwin did he absorb? Marx lived about the same time as Darwin. Nietzsche also didn’t absorb enough Darwin, but he did absorb Schopenhauer, who was a sort of rival of Hegel, although not nearly as popular. Modern philosophers deeply absorbed Nietzsche. And of course these philosophers were influenced by thinkers before them, and so on, back to primitive man gazing at the stars.

I do see an evolutionary progression of the knowledge of reality, not unlike the evolution of biological life, with dialectical starts and stops and sideways goings, but a steady progression toward more knowledge of reality and higher consciousness. Darwin is perhaps now represented by E.O. Wilson and sociobiology.

I recognize a progression from religion to philosophy to science to evolution, with each retaining elements of past knowledge but transforming them, leading now to theological materialism. Man is not the measure of all things, man is evolving to Godhood, the God first glimpsed in the Inward Paths of traditional religion and thought about in the Being of philosophy, which is retained but now transformed in the Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution toward real Godhood, activated inwardly by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, and shaped by outside evolution and selection.  A healthy people and a healthy world is a people and a world conservatively evolving toward Godhood.

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