Friday, July 04, 2014

Speculating on consciousness and the instincts

“Ease and speed of cerebral transmission” seems to come from the instincts and from innate genetic traits, consciousness seems to slow down this transmission, which is not necessarily good or bad. The instincts are not better than consciousness, as Nietzsche seemed to think, but consciousness needs to be balanced with innate human nature---culture often misrepresents reality to our consciousness. Honesty is not always present in the intellect. I think of Thomas Jefferson saying , he who knows nothing is nearer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods.

Speculating further out, in our evolution to Godhood we might gain a fuller consciousness, one in which the conscious and unconscious mind act more as one, like a perfect action, when the instincts and consciousness are in accord. Some teach the opposite of this, that consciousness speeds up cerebral transmission, but that is like the old cliche of putting the cart before the horse. Consciousness is very new, and the unconscious is very old. Priests, philosophers and intellectuals have often been afraid of the unconscious and the instincts, they thought it was a beast, or even satanic.

Nietzsche perversely thought the power-seeking but goalless, immoral beast was good, which might have been an exaggeration to make his point about dishonesty in philosophy. But the unconscious is activated by a sacred goal, to evolve all the way to Godhood in the cosmos, while dealing with the ups and downs and shaping of outside evolution and selection.

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