Monday, July 14, 2014

Knowledge as a means to evolve to Godhood

If we say that knowledge is the means to evolve to Godhood and that happiness and virtue are secondary to this, we are closer to the purpose behind seeking knowledge and truth in theological materialism and the Theoevolutionary Church. This relates to defining the highest truth and virtue as residing at the zenith of material/supermaterial evolution, defined as Godhood, which is supposedly what knowledge seeks.

This indicates not primarily the will-to-power behind all knowledge acquisition, as in Nietzsche, and not primarily the will-to-truth claimed by many who are really seeking power through truth, this is knowledge sought seeking the power, truth, virtue and beauty of evolving to the non-abstraction of Godhood the object, or objects, at the zenith of evolution, with life activated by the inward Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, while being shaped by outside evolution and selection.

In human terms, this does not indicate a transhumanist evolution of half-man half-machine, or artificial intelligence completely replacing man, this is the evolution of real life, not artificial life, toward the zenith of evolution, which is Godhood. Unfortunately the evolution of artificial intelligence over the evolution of human intelligence is politically more correct now---the subject of human evolution remains in exile. Artificial intelligent machines can aid in our sacred evolution, but they cannot be the sole goal itself or made a substitute for the evolution of life toward Godhood, which could then block our sacred evolution.

The other now ancient blockade of human evolution comes from the Great Spiritual Blockade of the Inward Path of traditional religions, which blocks or becomes unattached to all the material desires so as to experience the God or Father Within. The Inward God is acceptable as the first symbolic glimpse of the real Godhood reached in the Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution, but it cannot be made a substitute for the evolution of life to Godhood, any more than tranhumanism can. The Twofold Path includes but transforms the Inward Path of the God Within to the Outward Path of Godhood reached in evolution...

This is the way out of nihilism, the relativity of morals and values, and the dogmatic anti-evolutionary but power-seeking movements that are all gradually destroying life on earth.

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