Friday, July 18, 2014

Grounding philosophy

Godhood, like human beings, can exist without a concept, the concept, the idea is attached later. “Being” in philosophy is the same. Godhood is not a single non-material entity, it is a supermaterial level of evolution attained by life, which can include more than one living object, seen as the zenith of success in evolution and selection in the cosmos.

The term “getting back to the object” for me means getting back to the real material/supermaterial living object, not merely the subject, concept, idea, or definition of the object, which has dominated so much of religion and philosophy. “Being-In-Itself” is a concept, an idea, and probably not an existing object since it is usually defined as spiritual and non-material---that is, it exists only in the minds of men.

Theological materialism grows out of a grounded philosophy. As I have written before, theological materialism is more or less placed in the worldview of philosophical naturalism with the main difference being that philosophical naturalism is generally irreligious, and theological materialism is religious in seeing Godhood as the goal of evolution, first mirrored in the Father-Within of traditional religion, which means that these traditions can be retained but transformed in the Twofold Path.

Added thoughts:

The abstract differs from the concrete by not being an object alive or dead, whether the object is causal or not. Eventually the abstract became synonymous with the spiritual, then both of these opposed the material which is hypertrophied to be satanic. We see only as much of an object as our senses have evolved to see, and objects can exist outside of our observance of them. Living objects evolve to become the supremely evolved objects defined as Godhood. Reducing things down to their primal beginnings doesn’t define God either, beginning life needs to evolve to Godhood at the zenith of evolution. There is no reason to believe that God originates the cosmos, we evolve to Godhood, perhaps endlessly, not from God, but from the opposite primal beginnings. And these beginnings aren't abstract either, not symbols or numbers or sacred words, they are simple concrete beginning objects, activated by the material Spirit-Will within them, which is never separate from the material objects it inhabits---then the object is shaped by the ups and downs of outside evolution and selection, while life steadily evolves upward toward more intelligence, beauty, and excellence in general.

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