Thursday, July 31, 2014

History, evolution, states, and future religion

The Spirit-Will is the activation-process of life taking place within life and within man---evolution and selection is the outside development and shaping of life and man, as man and life evolve toward Godhood. This not only helps explain human history but the history of life in the cosmos.

History doesn’t culminate in a completely non-material Spirit (Hegel) or in human Communism (Marx), history culminates in supermaterial Godhood evolved to in the material world, beyond the human species. Theological materialism defines this evolutionary process, moving from religion to philosophy to science to evolutionary religion, retaining but transforming the past.

Marx (following Feuerbach) turned Hegel on his head, replacing Hegel's Spiritualism with materialism. Theological materialism turns Hegel back on his feet again, comparatively speaking, while reinvigorating religion with evolutionary materialism, culminating in the evolution of life to material/supermaterial Godhood, not to Communism.

The idea that one state, or one ethnic group, can imperialistically dominate all other states and ethnic groups has proven not to be workable over the long term (and in ongoing evolution the long term is important), causing rebellious wars of liberation that tend to dysgenically stop evolution and research until peace returns.

Neither Communism nor Fascism best advances human evolution, Conservatism does, that is, a revitalized paleoconservatism which affirms Ethnopluralism, with many small states, or ethnostates, protected internally and externally by a light federalism, with small federal government and freedom, and with the separation of powers and states, which can even be accommodated by the original U.S. Constitution. Our development and evolution can then be guided voluntarily by sociobiological research centers, and by evolutionary religion.

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