Friday, September 14, 2012

Mythology for the modern world

When I try to define what modern man lost of the instincts and the unconscious, I look to affirming the supreme and divine instinct of the Tirips or the Will-To Godhood, which I see as the zenith of the instincts activating life before life is shaped by evolution.

This is the better way to bring back, or bring forward, lost primordial things of importance. And the instinct of Tirips is not psychologically useful only to individuals, it is best advanced with group survival, group evolution, where the individual within the group is seen as secondary, not primary. “Archetypes” seem to be more the comparison of our personal histories with other people's personal histories, our fathers and mothers and crazy uncles. The collective seems to be more this basic human nature which we share with others than it is underlying Jungian ancient symbols. 

Godhood is returned to the Godless modern world by recovering the divine instinct of Tirips, the will which activates life to evolve to real Godhood in the material-supermaterial world. This seems to be a way to bring the irrational into the rational without losing the irrational. This ties together modern science and ancient primordial religion. This is powerful mythology for the modern world.

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