Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Godhood and reality, a transvaluation of Plato's world

Contrary to Plato, nonexistent spiritual definitions have been given far too much attention and power in religion and philosophy, which has led to misdefining and degrading the real world. Ascetics even put up a Great Spiritual Blockade against the material world, which actually blocks the real path to Godhood of evolution. When people like Paul Tillich or Heidegger say such things as, “God is being-itself, not being,” they perpetuate the same belief in nothing but a mode of thinking.

Spiritual definitions need to drop back to their support role or defining role and they need to cease to be Gods themselves. The natural world has to be unblocked if we are to reach real Godhood by way of evolution. The confusing name-games for God will stop when Godhood is seen as existing in the same sense that everything else exists. The exoteric needs to rise again over the esoteric in religious theology, and does so with theological materialism where Godhood is seen as a supermaterial object or objects evolved to in the material world and not merely an occult symbol or word.

The Twofold Path makes room for the traditional, non-object, definitions of the God-Within, or Father-Within of the Inward Path of the great religions, this is included but transformed in the Outward Path of the Evolutionary Church.  This brings the real world into religion and religion into the real world, and most importantly, it unblocks the long blocked natural path to evolving to real Godhood, the real purpose of existence, which is only reflected in the God-Within.  This is a transvaluation of Plato's world, but also of Buddha and Christ's world.

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