Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Comparing Beyondism

A main difference between Cattell”s Beyondism and the ECC is the philosophy of conservatism, which pays serious attention to the accumulated knowledge of tradition, whereas Beyondism, which has influenced us, wishes more to launch itself off on an evolutionary adventure and it generally considers conservatism as stagnation.

The ECC is willing to apply faith, idealism and poetry to science, which is of course dangerous to scientific truth. Yet I think intellectual intuition and faith can sometimes be more truthful than science, although a very strict self-criticism in required.

The philosophy of the ECC allows us to retain more of the emotional appeal of traditional religion, with the sacred end goal of Godhood, described in the past as the Inward God and now transformed and seen as the Outward God of evolution. We can have a recognition of sociobiological truths because they can lead to Godhood. We need to expand out into the cosmos, but we need order to do so.

However, the religious theology of the ECC was not developed as strategy to make upward evolution more palatable, theological materialism is a religious metaphysics first, which can then apply science and culture to religious goals.

Faith, idealism and poetry can make religious philosophy easier to voluntarily absorb by the average population, which tends to lag behind science and elite thinkers, and in a republic, which we affirm, this can make the evolutionary ideas in the ECC more understandable and workable. A dictatorship by an elite could dictate ethics, which in the long run causes many other problems. While affirming much of tradition, this religion is still also a new religious consciousness which will take some time to become functional.

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