Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Hope We Offer

Most future studies find us doomed for collapse, unable to contain population growth and industrial growth. This then leads to decline in industrial growth, food production, and a decline in population, and the collapse of global civilization.

There is a growing culture of hopelessness in politics, science and religion which affects our ability to take action. Workable ideas are not even sought when we give up hope.

Our hope is to reinvent our way out of this doomsday model, not only with revolutionary new technology but with ingenious new-yet-old social structures.

Decentralization should not be viewed as collapse, it can save America, and it can save the world. We do not need secession from the too big central state, we need decentralization from the central state. Each small state needs to affirm its own community, its own craftsmanship, its own progress, but the small states need the protection of a light federalism.

Raymond Cattell rightly emphasized that war can be discouraged when quality is chosen over quantity, since quantity is given the advantage in war. Our tendency to make dysgenic war can be overruled by our advancement when we do not make war. Cooperative competition under these terms is then possible.

We need to emphasize other kinds of “progress” and not merely economic progress.  Free enterprise can be retained for its success, but not made a God. We need to see progress in terms of sacred evolutionary advancement, that is, the biosocial advancement of humanity in evolution on the path to Godhood. 

We need to evolve brighter healthier people, not more people. This can best be done in a world of small states, or ethnostates, which is the social structure real human nature prefers, the social structure that imperialism and supremacy always come back to in any case. Then the longer term sacred goal of evolving to Godhood for all people, all states, can be bonded with religion.

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