Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why aristocracies and meritocracies tend to fall

Russell Kirk said that “without aristocracies of some sort, a country is in danger of intellectual sterility.” Not said is that meritocracies tend to lead to aristocracies. Also not said is that the will to power of the biological origin of our social behavior is a stronger force than either aristocracies or meritocracies, which is why aristocracies and meritocracies are always threatened.

People and ethnic groups evolved in widely different environments and developed different traits and talents which are obvious, even though it has become politically incorrect to say it. So the aristocracies or meritocracies that ethnic groups develop are different from the aristocracies or meritocracies that other ethnic groups develop because different groups have different traits and talents. 

People tend to not much care if aristocracies or meritocracies become sterile or not because every cell in their body seeks survival and reproductive success first, even if people are unconscious of this primary motivation.

This becomes a problem in multicultural multi-ethnic societies where the will to power of the biological origin of our social behavior is a stronger force than either aristocracies or meritocracies, with group-selection or ethnic-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. So aristocracies and meritocracies in multicultural multi-ethnic societies tend to become sterile, or at least change, or even fall, do to various ethnic groups constantly competing for power.

If we want our countries and our people not to be in danger of sterility, intellectually or any other way, with power vested in people believed to be the best qualified, even in democracies, we will see the value in the natural political structure of ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which relate directly to kin and ethnic-centered human nature and the always prevailing biological origin of our social behavior. Multicultural multi-ethnic societies eventually lead to civic disruptions and even civil war, where aristocracies or meritocracies are suspended.

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