Sunday, August 11, 2019

Who benefits from trying to rid the world of stereotypes?

Who has a problem with stereotypes? Perhaps we should look to who benefits from trying to rid the world of stereotypes? Variety is good, evolution counts on variety, and stereotypes are often generally accurate based on indwelling bio-social traits useful in making quick decisions, which Burke called “prejudice----as long as we know that people and things can fall through the cracks; for example, genius can turn up literally anywhere in any stereotypical ethnic group.

Stereotyping says such things as: the Irish like both fun and sadness, the Scandinavians like stoicism, neither fun nor sadness, Germans are straight forward---in warrior societies little lies can get the whole group killed which probably relates to the old truth-talking warrior mentality, Southern Europeans prefer more indirect communication, Jews are stereotypically thought of as sharp money-grubbers, and East Asians are seen as even more stoic (inscrutable) than Scandinavians.

Let's party!” contrasted with the Protestant work ethic are basically ethnic dispositions and not merely media propaganda. One of these stereotypical dispositions isn't “better” than the other, they are just different traits which developed and evolved in different places, eg. hot or cold environments.

But problems come when the “Don't worry be happy” social philosophy of pop culture tries to dominate in multicultural societies. For example, now every one from baby to grandma are unrestrainedly dancing in television commercials, which usually adds the little ideological bonus of making whites look ridiculous. Even country music now has its twangy version of rap. And Taylor Swift parties like Beyonce.

Northern Europeans tend to be more introverted than southern Europeans and Africans who are more extroverted, and both naturally feel uncomfortable with each others disposition. Most of the social, cultural and political problems we have---which are now causing increasing violence in our streets---come from the different dispositions and traits of different ethnic groups trying to live multiculturally within the same space, usually with barbarian music playing above it all.

This leads to one of the main themes of this blog: Cultures work most harmoniously when they reflect the people who create the culture. Ethnic characteristics help make cultures and ideologies, which is why I advocate ethnopluralism, even within the United States, with the constitutional separation powers and states designed for ethnic cultures.

Then we can work, or party, which ever turns us on, in our own space, protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by federalism.

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