Monday, August 19, 2019

The best way we can recover from our demographic disaster

As William Lind pointed out, in 1933 the Nazis came to power and shut down the Marxist Institute for Social Research and its members fled to New York City where they reestablished the Frankfurt School at Columbia University. Later, Herbert Marcuse saw the 60s student rebellion as the great opportunity to take the work of the Frankfurt School and make it the theory of the New Left in the United States.

So the biological origin of human social behavior led to the will to power of the members of the Frankfurt School, who developed the cultural Marxism of political correctness and the lethal socialist neoliberal philosophy, which led to the moronic and degenerate Kennedy's, the smug and suicidal Clinton's, and the 1965 Immigration Act, which led to the destruction of the Northern European demographics of traditional America and allowed the rise to power of blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, feminist women, the global elite, the media, and the academics, who in turn call for the subordination of all nations and ethnic groups to globalism, which really means subordination to the leaders of globalism.

Real human nature remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, and this leads naturally to the cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Given who we are this appears to be the best way we can recover from our demographic disaster. Otherwise we may fade away.

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