Saturday, March 03, 2018

Unsung political connections

Conservatism, populism, nationalism, and even modern liberalism have an unsung common ground with ethnopluralism.

The difference between conservatives and ethnopluralists is that ethnopluralism is often backed by a materialist definition of human nature (though not always), and conservatism is usually backed by a spiritualist foundation. But they share the same essential traditional definition of human nature as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. 

Both religion and science (sociobiology) more or less concur in this definition, which is also an unsung connection.

Modern liberals are usually materialists and therefore they should be able to share the same natural definition of human nature as conservatives and ethnopluralists. But liberals wrongly define human nature as cultural Marxism, which is the opposite of the conservative and ethnopluralist definition of real human nature mentioned above. 

Liberals and even some conservatives like to proclaim that ethnopluralism or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates is racial supremacist and fascist, but ethnopluralism is the opposite, believing in the separation of powers and states, not centralization, and the independence of each ethnostates and distinct ethnic group. Liberals should welcome the independence and cultural affirmation of the ethnic minorities they constantly champion, who will be free at last to proclaim their own unique cultures---as the majorities have done---but this time in harmony with real human nature.

So why do we not make these unsung political connections between conservatism, populism, nationalism, modern liberalism, and ethnopluralism? Some of it is just plain ignorance, but much of it is because a few powerful people seek to benefit from the present multiculturalism and cultural Marxism that is destroying us.

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