Saturday, March 31, 2018

The equitable way to deal with the biological power game

Politics may be a subsidiarity of culture, as someone said, but culture is a subsidiarity of the people, the ethnic groups, who create the cultures, but even deeper than that the people who create the cultures are the subsidiarity of their biological or genetic traits.

Human nature is a combination of nature and nurture, biology plus the environment that people find themselves living in and adapting to. But it is our biological/genetic drives toward successful survival and reproduction that activate the creation of the cultures and the adaptations we make from the environment.

Why is this not taught in our school system? Why is this blocked in the Media? Why is this considered the "politically incorrect" way to define history?

It is blocked due to the very traits of human nature just mentioned. This biological power game is played, consciously or unconscionably, by people and groups who corrupt these traits in others so they may selfishly gain biological and genetic power.

The ethical or just way to deal with who we actually are is to create an ethnopluralism of ethnostates where human nature can be what it actually is. This can and should be done legally, for example, by adapting the already existing constitutional separation of powers and states.

Look to who benefits most (at least in the short term) from the lies about human nature that are blocking the equitable way to deal with the biological power game, and causing much unnecessary suffering.

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