Friday, March 16, 2018

Does it really have to be said? People and ethnic groups are different from one another!


Democrats and liberals say the differences come from exploitation of the poor by the rich, or discrimination by whites against those of color.

Republicans and libertarians say the differences are caused by big government liberals and socialists.

Populist nationalists and the Alt-right say the differences come from biology and from global elites.

The answer? All of the above, with the last mentioned closer to the truth.

According to Taki Theodoracopulos, Norway's murder rate in 2014 was 0.56 per 100,000, and in 2016 their Per Capita GDP was $70,392. Haiti's murder rate in 2004 was 219 per 100,000, and their Per Capita GDP was $761.


People and ethnic groups are different from one another!

Real human nature throughout human history shows that people live and harmonize best within their own ethnostates, and people clash when they are shoved together in the same multicultural states and told that they must all be equal in their behavior.

Long-term solution? An ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

The possibility of the constitutional separation of powers and states adapting to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in the short-term? Not good. The possibility of it happening, purposely or unpurposely, in the long-term? Much better.

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