Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Overcoming the things that have caused our alienation

Many conservatives spend time sifting through the Media looking for something they can agree with. We take for granted now that we have to read between the lines of everything we read or see. This leads to feelings of alienation from our culture.

This alienation is less a problem of ideas or ideology and more the reality that as the people change the culture changes, and the Northern Europeans and WASPS who largely founded the West have been declining in numbers and influence.

The fact is, distinctively different people with distinctively different genetic traits have been forming distinctively different cultures within the West. If left to their own resources Northern Europeans develop distinctly different cultures from Southern Europeans, Africans, or Asians. This helps explain the rise of populism, nationalism, separatism and ethnopluralism in the West, people naturally do not want to feel alienated in there own lands.

I believe the way out of this alienation in America is to follow the decentralizing constitutional separation of powers and states, but to then go further and legally decentralize toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. That is the way the West seems to be going anyway with the movements toward populism, nationalism, separatism and ethnopluralism. But not without great resistance from those who gain power from our alienation by preaching no borders, globalism, and multiculturalism, the very things that have caused our alienation.

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