Saturday, March 31, 2018

Laura Ingraham and that snooty skinny little high school kid

That snooty skinny little high school kid who was taught by our asinine educational system to be an idiot spouting culturally Marxist conditioning has forced the brave Laura Ingraham off her Fox show for a week (more?) because she had the guts to say the non-criminal population should keep their guns, and she mentioned something about his college acceptance problems.

Laura has more courage than all the conservative commentators combined, with the exception of Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter, and Laura has more balls than the corrupt and craven businesses who pulled their advertising from her show. She will be missed.

Who, or what, are the parents of these little phonies? Any rationally and instinctively healthy father (if he has a father in his home, which seems doubtful) would tell him to sit down and shut his mouth until he knows what the hell he is talking about.

Since the degenerate 1960's the worship of youth goes on fired by a traitorous Media into rebellions which they profit from.

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