Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Defining Progress

I see human history as progress, but not all people and states progress at the same time. I don't see determined cycles of golden ages and their falls, or original sin.

But human nature remains biologically as it has always been, kin-centered and ethnocentric, among other traditional human behavior, even if this is denied by postmodern liberalism.

Empire-building might have made more sense when the world was far less populated, but now empire-building should not be defined as progress.

Now there are too many distinctive people and states who will not accept being conquered or assimilated in an empire and will therefore naturally create social disorder.

Progress now means declaring that from now on empire-building is not acceptable. For example, the Russians should not reconquer old satellites which have become natural ethnostates, Israel should not seek land beyond its borders, the Palestinians should have their own state, and the U.S. should bring its empire home.

Human progress is now defined as empires devolved into a natural ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from future empires by some sort of federalism. We might not all go there at the same time, but that now defines human progress.

1 comment:

  1. Nations and peoples seem to go through historical cycles. Political, economics, and technology may change but human nature is constant.


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