Monday, March 25, 2013

Transforming the Sacred

It is deeper to center on the universal Spirit-Will-To-Godhood within material life than to center on the universal mythical themes seen in all cultures, as Jung, Eliade and Campbell discovered. The Spirit-Will activating material life is the sacred link between cultures, which is shaped by evolution.

Beneath all the “isms” of politics, as Eliade pointed out, are age old eschatological motifs or myths, but beneath these motifs are the sociobiological drives of life, and the zenith of success with these drives is evolving to actual Godhood. The nostalgia for paradise of many myths exists in the real material hope of eternal representation in survival and reproduction.

Can this goal and religion ever be more than a set of symbols, a dream? The goal sets the patterns and when the goal is evolving to Godhood in real time it takes almost endless time to attain the goal. But the distant goal does not make it less desirable, inauthentic, less motivational or less true. The goal exists at the real origin of life and religion.

The evolution to Godhood can be enacted symbolically in sacred rituals which bond the sacred goal, not as an escape from life but as a supreme affirmation of life. This is culture-creation at its root, the sacred and profane joined in revitalized religion. And this is not a “primordial return," it is a future, sacred, evolutionary goal grounded in material and supermaterial life.

The inauguration of religion is like a new creation of the world more than it is like the mythical inauguration and beginning of a new king. It is a recreation of the sacred, a transforming of the sacred which has happened continually throughout human history when it was needed.

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