Monday, March 18, 2013

Postmodernism blocks biology

Postmodernism goes wrong when it thinks we can be free from the “bondage” and "terror" of history, or that we can create meta-narratives minus the bondage of history.

If there is a “bondage,” which is certainly a pessimistic idea, it is biological. We cannot escape the “bonds” of biology. Why would we want to try?!

I suspect a cowardice (or deception) among intellectuals as a consequence of the violent totalitarianism of Marxism and Fascism, which led to their denial of any bonds to any narrative, religious or political. But cowardice and deception do not make good philosophy. Biology cannot and should not be left out of our views of history.

What needs to be done is to create/develop/adapt meta-narratives, myths, or religions that harmonize with biologically founded history. This tends to affirm the Burkian importance of traditions. We also need to affirm the biological origin of social behavior, not merely cultural origins, as explained by the science of sociobiology.

The Twofold Path and theological materialism of the Evolutionary Christian Church affirms biology as well as culture in that we attain Godhood by way of material and supermaterial evolution---this is the Godhood that was first seen inwardly, but partially, in the great religions, which bonds us to the past and the future.

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