Saturday, March 09, 2013

Can the decay and degeneracy be stopped?

We should not have to be fundamentalist religious fanatics to see the decay and degeneracy of America and the West:  the endless violent slaughter in movies and videos, the urinal “humor,” the sexual perversion all over the Internet, fathers and authority figures ridiculed across the media, drugs given to our children to alter their behavior, millions of babies butchered in abortion clinics, college students enslaved for life paying back college loans, when most of the jobs are outsourced overseas by modern robber barons. And the “rights” of these pornographers, violent movie-makers and robber barons are defended while all other rights are neglected.

Politically the Republication party does largely stand for greed, and the Democratic party does largely stand for social decay, consciously or unconsciously. Both parties try to police the world with trillions of dollars borrowed from China, the military-industrial-complex continues to think up more wars that kill our sons and daughters and bankrupt our nation, to make a very few men very rich.

Can this decay and degeneracy be stopped? A hard time is coming. It will require facing sociobiological truths about human nature. It will require the devolution of big governments and the revitalization of small states and regions, and the mutual separation of different peoples. It will require a a return to natural human health. It will require heroes and ordinary people. In the long term it will require the moral power of new or renewed religion.

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