Wednesday, March 06, 2013

On tolerant syncretism

The Evolutionary Christian Church wants to have a tolerant syncretism regarding the great religions, stemming from the Involutionary Inward Path to the God Within which they all share. What the ECC adds and synthesizes is the Evolutionary Outward Path of natural evolution to Godhood, which brings many other fields into religion, such as the science of evolution.

This way we enter the future with a religion of the past and the future. An example might be how Hinduism seems to have handled syncretism better than Christianity. The ECC brings religion full circle back even to the ancient naturalism of religion before religion soared into object-free spiritual monotheism. We affirm natural evolution to supermaterial Godhood.

This does not defy the age we live in, this includes and transforms the age. As Walter Kaufmann pointed out, the etymology of the word “religion” derives from “religare,” to tie, to bond. The meaninglessness of modern philosophy leads to futility. At their best all fields become one.

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