Sunday, March 24, 2013

Science in search of theology and theology in search of science arrive at Theoevolution

Most traditionalists believe that the problems of the West began in post-medieval times when we changed from a theocentric to a anthropocentric world. But what we require is a theoevolutionary world which combines the anthropocentric world evolving to the theocentric world as the right balance.

The theocentric world is incomplete without the the anthropocentric world and vice versa because it is the anthropocentric world that evolves to the theocentric world, we can't have one without the other. It is not the kingdom of God versus the kingdom of man, it is the kingdom of Godmanhood we seek, it is Christian humanism transformed into Christian Godmanhood. The sacred connection between the two worlds is contained in the Spirit-Will which activates all life toward attaining Godhood, shaped by natural evolution.

This theoevolutionary orientation can give form to healthier patterns of social and cultural life, with an Ordered Evolution which necessarily retains theo and anthro in balance, they both require each other. The old synthesis between Greek philosophy (including Roman culture) and Biblical faith eventually led to the scientific anthropocentric worldview of the Enlightenment and the decline of Biblical faith, although people like St Thomas Aquinas made valiant attempts to save religion by synthesizing Aristotle.

This assumes that there is no duality between the spiritual and the material because the material evolves to the supermaterial, formerly known as the spiritual. This brings religion and science together at last. The idea of “progress” can enter the traditional world where it was formerly banned, and we can retain the Enlightenment view of the advancement of mankind. Science without religion creates moral decline, religion without science creates moral stagnation. Science in search of theology and theology in search of science finally arrive at Theoevolution.

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