Saturday, March 30, 2013

The rapprochement of the traditional and the modern in the West

How do we make sacred our modern, non-sacred, moral and aesthetic values without losing our extraordinarily successful technological and economic development? How can we keep an anthropocentric culture working within a theocentric culture? By affirming that the material world evolves to Godhood, that is how. The Inward God is a mirror of Outward Godhood reached through material and supermaterial evolution.

Modernism and traditionalism need not reject one another as they have done, we can have a transformation of the sacred, not a rejection, the inward God first seen in the great religions is realized in outward Godhood, bringing the new into the old. The great division between the spiritual and the temporal does not exist when the spiritual is seen as supermaterial. Science can join religion.

The West can lead the way in this because we have for centuries been bringing Biblical faith together with Greek philosophical inquiry, along with the Roman heritage, whereas the East has been religious traditionally without this sort of Western tension, at least until the few short decades of Marxist totalitarianism, and even that has a nondemocratic Asian ethos to it. We can now add a third stage in the development of Christianity, from Neoplatonism to Catholic Scholasticism to the theological materialism of the Evolutionary Christian Church.

The present attacks on the West by the trendy followers of the Traditionalist School (ie. Guénon and Evola), led by French and Russian intellectuals, goes against this rapprochement of tradition and the modern world. Many western intellectuals in this movement are in effect supporting the East over the West. Yes, the West has problems, with big enemies from within and without, yes, southern Russian was probably the home of Indo Europeans, but it is Western culture that evolved the great developments of science and evolution. Modernism in search of theology can find it in the rebirth of religion grounded in our sacred evolution to Godhood.

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