Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's The Media

The “toxic air” against Christianity, the “self-absorption” of our culture did not come out of nowhere, it was created by the media. But the media does not blame itself, it gives us facts about the decline of Christianity, such as 91% of baby-boomers identified themselves as Christian,  now this identification is down to 77%, or the fact that 20% of young Americas now claim no religious affiliation. It was the popular and academic media that created this change. The media began this destruction carefully in the 1950's and slowly gathered power until at this time it shows utter disrespect and hostility to Christianity and religion on a daily and hourly basis.

There are some very serious weaknesses in religious philosophy, such as the dislike and blocking of natural material life, and the foolish attitude toward science, which I constantly address in this blog, but it is the popular and academic media, movies, television, music, books and not these philosophical weaknesses that are destroying Christianity and religion.

What to do about It? We have to stop letting the destroyers of public morality hide behind private free speech doctrines which were never designed to allow such rot and destruction. Too-clever lawyers with no moral compass or with destructive ulterior motives need to be stopped. We need to elect representatives who will make cleaning up the media a top priority. We need to outlaw media monopolies, which are not allowed in our Constitution anyway. This could lead to local media, more local control. America was not designed to have media powerhouses ruling our culture, which have now become imperial international powerhouses.

Will it be easy to stop them? No. Fighting cancerous malignancy is not easy, but it will kill us if we don't.

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