Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Can the connection between political power and wealth be broken?

Our democratic republican form of government has become a cover-up for money power, which rules. Rather than trying to throw away the system, we need to break up big monopolies in all areas, in finance, the media, education, etc.  Power needs to be given back to the individual states, within a light federalism.

When human nature is allowed a bit of freedom it forms itself in kin groups and ethnic groups and small states. This needs to be allowed, we need to return to the original American Constitution, and we need to emphasize the Tenth Amendment, giving lost power back to the states.

It's not only bad education that has led us to modern liberalism, with its big government legislating of cultural Marxism, human nature tends to deceive itself with unreal ideas about human behavior, which avoids reality. Wealth can more easily dominate politics by manipulating the deceptions.

Can the connection between political power and wealth be broken? It had better be done before too long or America and the world will certainly be dragged down and destroyed.

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