Sunday, March 08, 2020

Why religion does not fall with naturalism

The belief in dualism of the conservative spiritualists (Elmer More, Russell Kirk) does not rightly accept the flow of change and evolution within naturalistic conservatism, they fear change because they say change has not revered the spiritual, they say religion will die without the spiritual and that we will all become hedonists without spiritualism. 

Religion does not fall with the advent of naturalism, religion rises out of ashes of spiritualism as we materially evolve in the material world to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood, natural material evolution is the path to real Godhood.

Material forces don't stifle higher civilization they activate civilization, unlike dualistic spiritualism which often thinks of material forces as evil (asceticism) and therefore actually stifles civilization.

And natural evolution tends to be conservative in that it conserves the best of the past or that which has enhanced survival and reproductive success. The stability of conservatism in general helps maintain evolutionary new mutations which would perish without that stability. How much evolution, the timing of evolution, depends on the circumstances of the nation, the small states, or ethnostates, within the nation and the world. “Reasoned and temperate” progress is the general way of evolution.

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