Monday, March 09, 2020

Big Tech companies have joined forces with the traditional Big Media in breaking down our culture

We thought it couldn't get much worse than the cultural break down and moral decline successfully promoted by the traditional Big Media, but now we see that online censorship has taken away most of the freedom of expression we thought we had on line, with Google,Twitter, and Apple curating content to the Left and demonizing the Right. Google controls 88.5 percent of the global search market and 90 percent of the online video market with its YouTube. And 95 percent of political donations from tech company employees went to Hillary Clinton in the last election.

I don't know if I have room for more dislike than I feel for the traditional Big Media, but now we have the Big Tech companies joining forces with the traditional Big Media in breaking down our culture and causing moral decline promoting both hedonism and cultural Marxism.

Our heroic President Trump has had too many neoconservatives working for him pushing the strategy of full global dominance, and Trump continues to grant favors to Israel, the Saudis, and others, against American interests, which could lead to a major war. But Trump is all we have at the time and he at least talked about having a non-interventionist, America First worldview.

So what to do? What I am doing is elucidating and promoting the biological origin of social behavior and its consequences. When real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed, it leads naturally to localism, regionalism, and eventually to ethnostates, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. The U. S. could adapt---not overturn---the constitutional separation of powers and states and create ethnostates, and then protect the ethnostates or regions from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism. I don't believe there is better way or healthier way for all groups and races to live in this world. Leaders and politicians elucidating and promoting this have to rise, and I think they will, eventually.

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